TCCOM Report # 0 (2001-04-08)

This report was submitted by AD Priyum Patel

Greetings all,

A fairly short report, since it's been fairly quiet this past week....

- The TIE Corps saw one Flag Officer appointment last week: Congratulations to Lieutenant Colonel Sequoh Marden who has been appointed as the new Wing Commander of Wing III. Marden, former Beth CMDR, is long-standing member of the Wing, and I wish well him in this new stage of his career :-)

- A couple of general reminders: The process of closing the Naval Corps is still continuing. If you have a TC and NC pilot and would like your profiles merged (IWATS courses, medals etc), then you need to send me the following ASAP: The ID lines, PIN #s and email addresses of both pilots. Once I have these, I can pass them on to the XO for processing.
Planning for the next TIE Corps wargame also continues. In particular, myself and Admiral Havoc are looking at the following areas: Making the exercise more involving at the Flight Member level, making certain aspects of the game such as travel and combat more efficient and possibly come up with an interesting plot to run in the background. As always, if you have ideas or suggestions about any of this, then I'd be very glad to hear from you.

- Over the next several weeks I'll be doing a revision of the current Fleet Standing Orders - adding certain policies for things like reports, closing/opening Squadrons etc, as well as adding more useful information (games used by different Wings and Squadrons is an example of this). During this time, you have the chance to email me with your thoughts and ideas on what you feel needs to be added or changed. Emails should be sent to
The current FSOs are located at

- After some consideration and discussion with my CA, I've decided that the TIE Corps Commander's Award for the month of March should go to Wing V. Lieutenant Colonel Proton impressed both of us by the way in which he ran his Wing - reports were always in on time, morale and activity is high. Of particular note was the fact that the Wing is continually kept flying battles and missions - especially against other Wings in several competitions, which is something to be encouraged throughout the Fleet. Congratulations to Proton and the pilots of Wing V !

Music Corner is back! (if only to fill some space :P). This week's lyrical bonanza is:

See you blowin' me a kiss
It doesn't take a scientist
to understand whats goin' on baby
If you see something in my eye
let's not over analyze
don't go too deep with it baby (baby)

So let it be
what it'll be
Don't make a fuss and go crazy over you and me
Here's what I'll do
I'll play the wuss, not like we have a date with destiny

Not too hard...


Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer, TIE Corps Commander
FO-TCCOM-AMB/AD Priyum Patel/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-SM/1-TT-RT}

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