TCCOM Report # 9 (2003-11-21)

This report was submitted by FA Cyric

FA Cyric Reporting in on 11/21/03 for the Flight Office I'm back from my weeks vacation in New Orleans much fatter and MUCH poorer than when I left. I was able to process a great many requests while I was away. Now for some news: Together with the COO, the Flight Office will be offering a 2 vs 2 MP competition over the course of the next 6 months. This will be a trial comp to see how much activity is generated. The plans for the comp are: Weekly 2 Vs 2 comp to be held in a TBA Mirc Channel All platforms that accomodate MP flying will be used (XvT, BoP, XWA) Weekly winners will receive LoC's and DFC's where warranted. At the end of the 6 months An Overall Winner - most wins - will receive a IS-PW 2nd IS-GW, 3rd IS-SW (Or what ever medal I can get approved for it :) The overall winner must participate in at least 70-80% of the weekly comps to be eligible. Comp name will be the FO's TAG TEAM COMP and will be handled by the COO and my FOA LC Styles. I will post official details on the comp when it is accepted and finalized. Daleth Squadron on board the ISD Sovereign has been closed.... Thats it for news, and now for a small rant: I want to remind everyone about the TC's policy on recruitment. Mass mailing to recruits to join your respective squadrons,wings, and BG's is prohibited. Squadron Cmdrs and WC's approaching members of another squadron to join theirs is also prohibited. If a pilot approaches to join a squadron then it is acceptable. Make sure that this is adhered to. Another issue is the lack of use of the DB for RSV,AWOL,and MIA transfers. Try as hard as possible to use the DB for these requests as I can officially send a mail out informing all of the relevant peoples. When asking for ANY changes to the rosters make sure that a PIN for the pilot is included. More times than not the name given to me to change is not the name in the Database, and makes it that much more time consuming to complete the change. Well thats about it from me.... In Service... FA Cyric FO-TCCOM/FA CYRIC/CS-4/SSSD SOVEREIGN

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