TCCOM Report # 81 (2005-04-29)

This report was submitted by HA Cyric

HA Cyric reporting in for the Flight Office on 04/29/05 Well a few changes around the face of the Tie Corps and the EHCS: AD Gilad is the new LO VA Yoda is the new OPS Which left the ASF without a BGCOM and a GWCOM. Well I've received a few Applications from both positions and have chosen the following for their steadfast devotion to the ASF, and the ability and leadership, which is right for the ASF. The new ASF BGCOM is VA Gidda (Formerly known as VA "My pink panties are in a twist" Girly man) The new ISD Grey Wolf Com CrimsonFury, who also in turn becomes a Rear Admiral. Congrats to both and good luck. I have also started a new squadron title for the Tie Corps: TCCOM's OWN ESCORT SQUADRON which shall be awarded periodically to the best performing squadron,as a whole. I have a banner competition active until April 30th, for this title. The first ever winner of the TCCOM's OWN ESCORT SQUADRON is Preatorian squadron! Congrats to them. The position of Prefect is open for applications. See the TC news page for details! IMPSTORM is going to begin within the next week! For details go to: Fleets are laid out and there are some pretty funny ship names in the order of battle....seems someone isn't paying proper respect to the other tf's! IA is moving along nicely. The beta has been released with an upgrade! Testing has begun on the Immortal. FW has a new server! The new Freeworlds Server is back up and play as resumed. The new server's IP is All characters and previous settings have been restored. One thing that has changed is that all Krath are now on the Empire's Kill On Sight list. Any EHers with Krath characters must suspend use of either Krath or Imperial tags while hostilities exist. Thats it from the Flight Office... In Service... HA CYRIC FO-TCCOM/HA CYRIC/CS-4/SSSD SOVEREIGN

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