TCCOM Report # 68 (2005-01-28)

This report was submitted by HA Cyric

HA Cyric reporting in for the Flight Office on 01/28/05 This is going to be a very short report so on we go... I would like to address the HCI issues with the fleet. As it stands now the current system of the HCI has been disbanded by the FC, and a new system is being created to better serve the EH. The FC is currently working on the system. The SO is still handling cases, so don't worry about the bad guys getting away with anything! I would like to remind everyone about the SCO competition, Casino Imperiale. This has major implications for the TC because the next TCBGCOM's OWN will be chosen from the wining ship/wing from this comp, so get out and fly! I should be back to normal with mails, and processing. I had a short leave due to having another child! All is right in the world of the TC once again :P Thats it for the flight office... In Service... HA CYRIC FO-TCCOM/HA CYRIC/CS-4/SSSD SOVEREIGN

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