X-Wing Alliance Fast Flights

Competition ID #: 3458
Status: Finished
Submitted by: CPT Cupcake
Competition dates: 2022-11-01 - 2022-12-31
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: TIE Corps

XWA time trials!! The TIE Corps is looking for pilots to play the role of “Red Team” in upcoming war games. To demonstrate marksmanship and flying prowess, pilots will fly an A-Wing to complete the “Crazy Eight” course in the X-Wing Alliance “Pilot Proving Grounds.” Pilots will:

  1. Select an appropriate pilot file before launching XWA
  2. enter X-Wing Alliance
  3. navigate to "Pilot Proving Grounds" (see “01 XWA Concourse Proving Grounds.png”)
  4. set “Select Challenge” to “Crazy Eight” (ENTER for sub-menu and then confirm)
  5. set “Select Craft” to “A-Wing”
  6. select “Launch” to run the course

Original XWA, XWAU, or TFTC may be used. Pilots may make as many attempts as they wish. BEFORE THE END OF THE COMPETITION, pilots will submit a screen grab (png) that includes their name and top time, and name the file using the convention of “MMSS PIN RANK NAME” (see example, “02 Ready to launch A-W Crazy Eight.png”) to facilitate scoring. Screen grabs should be sent for scoring via Discord direct message to CPT Cupcake. EXAMPLE PICTURES INCLUDED IN DISCORD COMPETITION ANNOUNCEMENT COMMENT.

Competition awards:

First Place: IS-GW
Second Place: IS-SW
Third Place: IS-BW
Fourth Place: IS-CW
All pilots with a time of 7 minutes or less: ORA

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-GW COL TheBlackxRanger For demonstrating exceptional marksmanship and flying prowess while flying the A-wing in the "Crazy Eight" course, achieving time of 3:34. 2023-02-05
IS-SW MAJ KEBLAOMEGA For demonstrating exceptional marksmanship and flying prowess while flying the A-wing in the "Crazy Eight" course, achieving time of 5:13. 2023-02-05
IS-BW LC andr3 For demonstrating exceptional marksmanship and flying prowess while flying the A-wing in the "Crazy Eight" course, achieving time of 5:22. 2023-02-05
IS-CW COL Aardvark For demonstrating exceptional marksmanship and flying prowess while flying the A-wing in the "Crazy Eight" course, achieving time of 5:23. 2023-02-05
ORA COL TheBlackxRanger For submitting a screenshot with a time under seven minutes. 2023-02-05
ORA CPT Asen Starlancer For submitting a screenshot with a time under seven minutes. 2023-02-05
ORA LT Ty Seerlan For submitting a screenshot with a time under seven minutes. 2023-02-05
ORA MAJ KEBLAOMEGA For submitting a screenshot with a time under seven minutes. 2023-02-05
ORA LC andr3 For submitting a screenshot with a time under seven minutes. 2023-02-05
ORA COL Aardvark For submitting a screenshot with a time under seven minutes. 2023-02-05
ORA LCM Hopfot For submitting a screenshot with a time under seven minutes. 2023-02-05
ORA NOV JetMech For submitting a screenshot with a time under seven minutes. 2023-02-05
ORA CM Dathka Graush For submitting a screenshot with a time under seven minutes. 2023-02-05