FSE Report # 3 (2000-10-29)

This report was submitted by SA Kawolski


Things have been busy here at the FSE's office! Here's a quick run-down of what's going on lately:

Uniforms on Personnel Profiles - Members are now able to upload uniforms to their personnel profiles. The limit on uniforms is under 50kb in size and 200 pixels in width. Also, only TC uniforms are being accepted.

IWATS Courses - A new IWATS Test system is in place that uses the TC Database to record your scores. This is currently being used for the IWATS Core Course, Squadron Management II, and will be moving on to other courses such as mIRC and IIC. The new test system allows professors to grade tests online and record scores for TIE Corps members straight to their profile. It also makes grading a snap, auto-calculates the total score, and e-mails the appropriate people of the new score.

TIE Corps Message Center - A few new fixes and updates. I added a new icon for New Hot Topics, New Locked Messages and New Sticky Messages. I also fixed the Delete Thread bug that wouldn't allow moderators to delete entire message threads. Also, I added a new feature some people have been asking for: Board Banning. Before, if someone was banned from the message boards, they had to be banned from the entire message center. Now, board moderators can selectively ban personnel or IP addresses from their board. This feature is available only to board moderators with "MASTER" access. A new feature for private boards that will only allow certain members to READ posts is being implemented. Since there are no private boards at this time, adding this feature isn't a very high priority.

Platform Daedalus Automation - Platform Daedalus is about to become automated. This allows a more personalized feel that the database can offer over the current system. Pilots will be able to instantly get their Flight Certification by uploading their pilot file and have the database check the pilot file against the entry requirements. This entire system will eliminate the need for the Flight Office to check in with the pilot every step during training and speed the training process up as a whole.

Imperial Senate Database - The Imperial Senate High Council have asked me to repair and redo the old Imperial Senate database I created a long time ago because their current database is malfunctioning horribly. The new database will be available for members of the Imperial Senate to use shortly.

Other works in Progress:

Personnel Transfer Request Form - This new form will allow pilots to request a transfer to any FM or OC spot in the TIE Corps, with the exception of transferring to Elite Squadrons, which are by invitation only.

Personnel Removal Request Form - AWOLing a pilot will become another step easier with this new form. It also has the TIE Corps mailer send a notice to the pilot being removed just in case the pilot's e-mail is silently rejecting mail from his superior officer.

Fiction Compendium - Storing fictional writings of members online for easy reference along with an indication of what Newsletter it appeared in.

Skill Profiles - Your own online resume on your personnel profile of what skills you have such as HTML, programming, competition hosting, etc.

...and more! Stay tuned...

= Sector Admiral Kawolski, Fleet Systems Engineer =
- FSE/SA Kawolski/VSD Stalwart (#691) [ret.]
- MoH/ICx2/OoR/GOE/GSx4/SSx3/BSx2/PCx6/ISMx5 [EXCR]
- MoI-DC/MoT-7rh-1gh-89bh/LoCx3/MoC-1BoC
- CoSx3/CoE/CoL/CoB/LoAx3/OV-3E {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-NS-SM/1/2}
- http://www.tiecorps.org

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