ISDII Grey Wolf Report # 17 (2001-08-31)

This report was submitted by VA Khadgar

ISD Grey Wolf Report #17 - 08.31.01

Pilot's Lounge

Lieutenant Colonel Brakka smiles for the camera.

Meanwhile, on the Intrepid...

"Lieutenant Colonel Brakka, you must steal the Gold Staff from Wing XIII, if we get the Duck, we shall emerge victorious in ASF:SC III," Major Dengar said.
"But sir, it's heavily guarded..."
"I don't care, you generally scare people whenever you're around, so the job is yours."

On the Vanguard...

"CrazyR2, if you can capture the Gold Staff from Wing XIII... We can easily win ASF:SC III!"
*Beep Beep Beep*
"Yes, I realize it's dangerous, but it's worth the risk. You can have some, erm, oil if you do the job properly."
*Excited Beep*

Back on the Grey Wolf...

Vice Admiral Khadgar grinned, "With the Duck and the Gold Staff, we're sure to win in ASF:SC III."
"Sir, incoming intruder!" Captain Wes Janson said.
Suddenly, a large purple figure came into the Pilot's Lounge.
"It's Brakka!" Commander Picard yelled.
"You may fire when ready," Khadgar said.
"You've always wanted to say that, eh Khadgar?" Janson asked.
"Well... yes," Khadgar admitted.
Numerous guards opened fire on Brakka.
"Sir, the blaster bolts have no effect, our men are dropping like flies!"
Suddenly, there was a loud buzzing sound from outside the ship.
The outline of a hole was cut out of the hull. When the hull fell in, a red and white droid was revealed.
Many pilots were sucked out of the ship, including Brakka.
"Out of the frying pan, and into the fire," Khadgar muttered as he held on to a bar stool to keep from being sucked out of the ship.

The droid rolled along the floor and out of the cantina.
He made his way towards one of the numerous Cargo Bays on the Grey Wolf.
Once he reached the door, he used a "Tartarus CMDR Silver Card" to gain access.
The droid rolled steadily towards the center of the room, while one of his many gadgets came out from his dome.
He used this device to cut a glass case containing the Gold Staff.
Suddenly, a voice came from behind him...

To be continued!

Wing XIII Monastery

On board the ESC Corrupter, the Monastery's Flagship for the ASF:SC III Competition, Cardinal Khadgar is busy at work preparing for the Competition.
"Okay, first off, transfer one million credits to the account of any rival who can be bribed into not taking part."
"Second off, pay all the IWATS Professors to give our pilots excellent grades on each IWATS Course they take."
"Third, set up a Spy Network on all of our rival's shi- Why hello there, pilots! Glad to see you again. I'm here, planning hard for an honest *shifts eyes* ASF:SC III from our Flagship, the ESC Corrupter."

"Now, I'm hoping for the ESC Corrupter to retain its status as Flagship Escort. That means I'd like each and every pilot to be on their best activity in September. Don't slow down, even if we manage a huge lead off the bat, and it seems that we've already won. Remember that the Cardinal will be helping during this Competition, so if you need assistance, please call upon him. Bets of luck to all pilots!"


Vortex CMDR retires

On top of CPT Hev Randrowan's retirement as Valkyrie CMDR, CM Gilad Pellaeon turned in his CMDR badge due to lack of Internet Access. It is said that bad luck comes in threes... CMDRs, please inform me if you plan to retire soon! :P

Congrats to CM Raven Lockholme, the new Valkyrie CMDR!
A new Vortex CMDR will be announced very shortly.

Fleet Admiral Kramer Retires

Yes, Fleet Admiral Kramer announced his retirement today after four, yes four years of service as Sovereign Commodore. He's been the SovCOM as long as pretty much anyone can remember, and I wish him the best of luck in his retirement!

New Tactical Officer

StarLion recently stepped down to CA:TAC, so Congratulations to Fleet Admiral Striker, who has taken his place. Striker is a Tactical Office veteran, and I'm confident he'll do well. If you're wondering how the TAC effects you... They approve your pending BSFs, they release new battles to the fleet, and most importantly, they take bribes for Medals of Tactics. :P


ASF:SC III is very close! Read all my E-Mails related to the Competition.
I'll again post VA Cyric's mail as a reminder of the details, Good luck to all pilots!

"As many of you know the ASF SC III is on the horizon. For those of you who are new to the ASF and have never participated in this comp, it measures all facets of activity that you can do, assigns them points, and at the end, many medals, many new titles and accolades. This comp will determine the NEW ASF Flagship, currently held by the ISD GreyWolf, a ASF Top Ace, and an ASF Top Squadron.
So your contributions will help you, your squadron, and your ship in the long run, but even more now, since we will be using these points for each ship to determine how each ships TF will be set up for a massive Operation similar to OP:DH to be held after the ASF SC. So, as you can see any and all participation will count towards everything that you fight for in this club :) Officially medals for the comp will be IS-GW, IS-SW, and IS- BW's, but merit medals will also be issued for your participation with the MSE's for the end of September.

The points are as follows for the comp:
Participating in MP Comp (must be TC sanctioned WoW's count) 1pt
Gaining LoC 10/LoC
DFC (five wins) 15/pts

FCHG rankings/Combat Ranking 50pts/rank gained

Mission Completion 2 points
Battle Completion 2pts/mission
Mission Creation 5 points
Battle Creation 10 points

Fiction (No, report fiction does not count) 8 points

Graphics 5 points

Recruitment (MoI must be earned) 50 points

Iwats course completion 15 points

Medals earned (not associated with the comp of course) 2 points

Squadron Citations 10pts/citation"

I'd like everyone to have their best activity during the Competition, our Flag Ship title is at stake! Good luck, pilots!

Commodore's Office

This Week I revised the Grey Wolf Standing Orders. They are pending Flight Office approval. You can see them at
Other than that, I'm currently focusing on ASF:SC III. I foresee great things from this Wing during September, go out there and do your old COM proud. :)

We sail into History...

War Room

For information on weekly multiplayer competitions, visit the Combat Center. (

For single player battles, visit the Battle Center. (

For information on special competitions, visit the TO Competition Office. (

Picture of the Week

This week CrazyR2 submitted his Uniform...

Hehe, kidding, here it really is:

ISD Grey Wolf
Flag Officers - 2
Vortex - 9
Phoenix - 9
Crusader - 11
Odin - 8
Tartarus - 8
Valkyrie - 6
Total: 53

Respectfully Submitted,

Vice Admiral Khadgar
ISD Grey Wolf Commodore

COM/VA Khadgar/ISD Grey Wolf
SSx2/BS/PCx8/ISMx15/MoT-2gh/IS-1BR/LoC-PSx52/CoL/CoB/LoAx6/OV [EXCR] {IWATS-PHP/1-SM/2}

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