ISDII Grey Wolf Report # 10 (2004-02-22)

This report was submitted by VA Gilad Pelleaeon

ISD Grey Wolf Report #10 - 2.22.04

Ship News
-Above is the winning submission for the Ship Banner Comp, submitted by LT Jansen of Valkyrie (Note: You may need to view it online to see it at:
-The Ship is almost up to 10k points, keep up with our score at
-We're down two this week, ship roster stands at 66.
-The "Lost on the ISD Grey Wolf?" Comp has launched, see details in the Competitions section
-Slow week on the ship, not much news
-Kodiak won Vlad's Easter Egg Hunt this week AND won Tie Corps Trivia!

ASF News
-The New ASF BGCOM is Vice Admiral Khadgar! Drinks are on him!
-The New VAN COM is Rear Admiral Daniel Goad!
-Avenger CMDR Dax Corrin has been promoted to General! He also surpassed 3000 FCHG points this week.

Tie Corps
-Four new battles and a free released! Go Fly them for SC!
-Two IWATS Courses launched this week, Khadgar's Trillian Course and Trido's Internet Basics Course, both are fairly easy, though I haven't taken IBX yet
-The FO is on leave until the 29th, but VA Reaper will be handling most of the stuff, expect a little delay.
-XvT and JK2 WoWs are on! They both end on Friday. I'll be flying some XvT on Tuesday, join me if you can!
-Wing XIX Commander sought, yeah, you know the basics.
-COL Gunman is the new Wing XI Commander
-Some XvT-Frees have been fixed, more SC ammo
-COL Locke Setzer is the new Wing VIII Commander
-Fly some MP and try out the new MP Skirmishes with Sarin!

-LoC awarded to COL Wil Striker
-LoCx2 awarded to COL Wil Striker for two XWA Victories at Tuesday's Terror
-LoC awarded to LCM Ambar Kilick for one XWA Victory at Tuesday's Terror
-LoCx5 awarded to LC Vladet Xavier for five XWA Victories at Tuesday's Terror
-LoC awarded to LC Choosh for one XWA Victory at Tuesday's Terror
-DFC awarded to LC Vladet Xavier for winning Tuesday's Terror
-LoC awarded to MAJ Keiran for one XvT Victory at Wednesday's War
-LoCx2 awarded to COL Wil Striker for two XvT Victories at Wednesday's War
-LoC awarded to COL Brucmack for one XvT Victory at Friday's Fight Night
-IS-SR awarded to LC Vladet Xavier for winning Trivia one week in March 2003 (Way overdue)
-PC awarded to LCM Tiamat for creating GN Kaerner's Uniform
-MoI awarded to LCM Wilq Fastclaw for assisting in the training of SL Gawt Gild
-IS-BR awarded to CPT Keiran Laserlight for winning a round of Vlad's Easter Egg Hunt II
-CoS awarded to LC Vladet Xavier for creating the plotline for BoP-FCHG 2
-MoT-rh awarded to LC Vladet Xavier for TAC Work
-IS-SR awarded to CM Marcus Caine for being the top Grey Wolf Pilot in the January XvT WoW (I'll email OPS and get this changed to and SW, sorry)
-IS-BR awarded to MAJ Pickled Yoda for winning a round of Vlad's Easter Egg Hunt II
-BS awarded to LT Malidir for activity during the month of January 2004
-BS awarded to LCM Lenvik for activity during the month of January 2004
-IS-SR awarded to MAJ Pickled Yoda for winning his fifth round of Vlad's Easter Egg Hunt II
-IS-SW awarded to LC Choosh for being the top Grey Wolf Pilot in the January XWA WoW
-MoT-rh awarded to LC Vladet Xacier for TAC Work

-SL Ocoth promoted to Lieutenant

-LT Kyp Durron from Odin 1-2 to Reserves
-COL Khadgar from Vortex 1-3 to ASF BGCOM

IWATS Courses
-LCM ZuQ - FLA - 100%
-LCM ZuQ - BOT - 95%
-CM Faliaj Shai - MP - 100%
-CPT Panaka - MP - 100%
-LC Kodiak Kereban - TLN - 100%
-LCM Tiamat - TLN - 100%
-RA Gilad Pelleaeon - TLN - 100%
-MAJ Pickled Yoda - VBS - 100%
-MAJ Pickled Yoda - TLN - 100%
-LC Vladet Xavier - TLN - 100%
-LC Kodiak Kereban - IBX - 100%
-COL Brucmack - IBX - 100%
-MAJ Pickled Yoda - IBX - 100%
-MAJ Keiran - IBX -100%
-LC Vladet Xavier - IBX - 85%
-LC Choosh - IBX - 100%
-LT Quat'r Zax - GFX - 88%
-LCM ZuQ - XTM/1 - 96%

Competition Activity
Vlad's Easter Egg Hunt II:
-Keiran Laserlight won round 6, there weren't any Easter Eggs, LAME
-Current Standings: RA Gilad Pelleaeon - 2, MAJ Pickled Yoda - 5, CPT Keiran Laserlight - 1, LC Kodiak Kereban - 1

Lost on the ISD Grey Wolf?
Deadline: March 7th, 2004
Description: Design a custom 404 Error page for

Wolfpack in WoW
Deadline: December 31st, 2004
Description: The top pilot in the XvT and XWA WoWs each month will recieve an IS-SW, IS-BR to runner up

Let the Wookie Win
Deadline: January 31, 2004
Description: Two Frees are assigned per week per platform, lowest combined scores for each platform each week win an IS-BW, lowest total scores in each platform at the end of the comp get an IS-SW

Wolfpack Iron Star Competitions:
FCHG Comp- For the pilot who gains the most FCHG Points in a month
CR Comp- For the pilot who gains the most CR Points in a month
Wolfpack Ace- For the pilot who earn the most Pilot of the Week awards
Trivia Comp- For the pilot who answers the most Trivia questions in a month
Graphics Comp- For the pilot who submits the best graphics in a month
Beat the COM- For the pilot who beats the COM in head-to-head MP

Commodore's Forum
Well folks, here we are, the final stretch. One week and counting left in SC. This is it, it's down to the wire for some of you. You know who you are too. If you have any intent on staying on my ship after SC you better get busy this week. I'm not asking for 50 missions, nor am I asking for you to fly until your arm falls of. I'm asking for one free mission or ten simple trivia questions. Trivia is the easiest thing you can do and I haven't seen very much of it. It can be anything, Who's Luke's Dad? to What Solo child dies in Star by Star? 10 questions earns the ships 5 points and you off of my AWOL list. At the rate we're going, we'll win the SC, but I want this to be a team effort, everyone does their part! Anyway, off the SC topic. I'm pondering holding weekly Grey Wolf Meetings following the Tie Corps Meeting, with Trivia and such as in the past. I'm also thinking about taking a nice break the first week after the SC is settled, it's been a very draining month. By the looks of it there are going to be a lot of MSE medals awarded this month, and if you're getting one, you've more than earned it. Those of you who have been kicking ass, keep it up, and those of you who haven't, start, or your's will be the one being my ship.

Cordially Submitted,
Rear Admiral Gilad Pelleaeon

COM/RA Gilad Pelleaeon/ISD Grey Wolf
Wing XIII - Tie Corps Commander's Own for November and December 2003

BTL/PRT Gilad Pelleaeon/Apocalypse/Oriens Obscurum/Arcona

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