Lieutenant Commander Mo Kongo (#6137)

TIE Corps
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Lieutenant Commander Code Cylinders
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Lieutenant Commander Code Cylinders

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RSV/LCM Mo Kongo/Reserves/M/FRG Phoenix
PC/ISM/MoC-goc-soc-7boc/IS-8BR/LoC-CS/OV-21E [Trainee]

Character Profile

Profile Data
Member status: Active
Group: TIE Corps (Active)
Group join date: Unknown
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
(2020-11-15 - over 3 years ago)
Positions: Reservist
Assigned unit: Reserves
Time zone: (UTC) UTC
Discord username: You must be logged in to view member Discord usernames.
Contact information: You must be logged in to view member contact information.
Quote: None
Personal Craft
T/Ph Thunder 6

T/Ph Thunder 6
Type: TIE Phantom Mk.I

Top Awards

Flight Certification

Combat and Flight Ratings
TIE Corps Imperial Pilot Flight Wings - 
                1st Echelon

Flight Certified - 1st Echelon
Points: 11

Combat Rating (MP PvP):

Singleplayer Performance
FCHG Rank: Unranked (4 points)
Total missions completed: 4
Battles completed: 0
Free missions completed: 4
Current battle high scores: 0
Current mission high scores: 0
Battles created: 0
Free missions created: 0
Multiplayer Performance
Combat Rating (MP PvP): Trainee (7 points)
Combat Rating (MP PvE): Unranked (0 points)

Combat Record

Historic Record

Assignment History
Date Time held Position (ID Line)
2021-07-07 2y,10m,26d RSV/LCM Mo Kongo/M/FRG Phoenix
2020-11-15 7m,21d FM/LCM Mo Kongo/Thunder 2-2/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
2020-08-05 3m,9d FM/LT Mo Kongo/Thunder 2-2/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
2020-07-03 1m,2d FM/LT Mo Kongo/Inferno 2-2/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
2020-07-03 RSV/LT Mo Kongo/M/FRG Phoenix
2012-08-08 7y,10m,24d LT Mo Kongo [Inactive]
Award History
Date Information

Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during March.

Recommended by: FA John T. Clark


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

For achieving a total of 50 life time points in Thunder Trivia! Congratulations

Recommended by: LC Tygra Shadowclaw for competition Thunder Trivia


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during February.

Recommended by: FA John T. Clark


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

Great job in winning Week 21 of the Thunder Trivia.

Recommended by: LC Tygra Shadowclaw for competition Thunder Trivia


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during January.

Recommended by: FA John T. Clark


Medal of Communication - Gold Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during December.

Recommended by: FA John T. Clark


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during November.

Recommended by: FA John T. Clark


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

Co-Winner of Thunder Trivia week 3

Recommended by: LC Tygra Shadowclaw for competition Thunder Trivia


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

Winner of Week 51! Great Job!

Recommended by: LC Tygra Shadowclaw for competition Thunder Trivia


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during October.

Recommended by: FA John T. Clark


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

Winner of the Thunder Trivia week 48. Decisively.

Recommended by: LC Tygra Shadowclaw for competition Thunder Trivia


Palpatine Crescent

For superlative activity across the month of October I am happy to recommend LT Mo Kongo receive a Palpatine Crescent.

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

Winner of this weeks Thunder Trivia!

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana for competition Thunder Trivia


Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during September.

Recommended by: FA John T. Clark


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during August.

Recommended by: FA John T. Clark


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

Winner of this weeks Thunder Trivia

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana for competition Thunder Trivia


Imperial Security Medal

For fantastic activity levels in August I am proud to award LT Mo Kongo a Imperial Security Medal.

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

Winner of this weeks thunder trivia

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana for competition Thunder Trivia


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during July

Recommended by: FA John T. Clark

Imperial Navy Personnel Record

Current title: Lieutenant Commander Mo Kongo
Current ID line: RSV/LCM Mo Kongo/Reserves/M/FRG Phoenix
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Date of birth: 33 BBY
Place of birth: Corulag
Marital status: Married (with children and grandchildren)
Family information: His father fought in the Clone Wars and upon retirement, established a shipyard in the Midrim Territories. The shipyard helped build Star Destroyers for the Empire.<br />
<br />
His family currently runs a shipyard building large civilian vessels in the Outer Rim. Has a younger sister, Sycera, formerly in the Imperial Navy as well - married with children - and also runs the shipyard with him.
Social status: He still has allies in Coruscant after serving in the Imperial Security Bureau for over two decades and have contacts inside the New Republic. He was acquainted with Wullf Yularen prior to his demise at Yavin and continued to operate covertly while the Empire broke up within the Core Worlds.
Significant events of childhood: Born as Astacus 'Scarlet' Laconius, he graduated from the Corulag Academy shortly after the Clone Wars ended, without ever seeing combat. He was subsequently transferred to the Imperial Security Bureau.
Significant events of adulthood: A student of Col. Yularen, he rose up the ranks as an Inspector General in the ISB and was Attaché in the Imperial Navy around the age of Rebellion (5 ABY). During the Galactic Civil War, he was involved with the Imperial Advanced Weaponry developing tactics for Imperial Naval Intelligence. He was involved in Project Skylark, to develop a hyperspace capable surveillance fighter for Naval Intelligence and by the Battle of Endor, held the title of Deputy Director of the Imperial Naval Intelligence. <br />
<br />
After the collapse of the Empire, he was hunted by the New Republic but having obtained a new identity, he acquired shipyard facilities in the Outer Rim in order to begin civilian life. However, through his network and contacts, he remained loyal to the Imperial cause and continued to execute covert operations along with Sycera to undermine the New Republic.<br />
<br />
His wife and children did not know of his activities.
Alignment and attitude: Loyal to the Empire, served the ISB to eradicate any anti-Imperial sentiment, and still continues to undermine the New Republic. <br />
<br />
Quiet and hides his emotions, he carries out the task he was assigned.
Previous occupations: Deputy Director of Imperial Naval Intelligence...<br />
<br />
...but with his current identity, shipyard owner
Hobbies Reading and watching holograms (i.e. people’s profiles and databases)
Tragedies in life: Battle of Endor, Battle of Jakku...
Phobias and allergies: Not enough time...
Views on the Empire and the Emperor's Hammer: Fiercely loyal to the Empire, Mo (or Scarlet) was approached by an old friend GN Phoenix Berkana to assist in an Imperial remnant faction in the outskirts of the galaxy.
Reason for enlisting in the Emperor's Hammer: Returning a favour to an old friend.
Other comments: Nobody else, except for a selected few high ranking officers (*cough*Phoenix*cough*), knew of his past as an ISB agent. He never talks about it.
Last updated: 2020-07-07

Activity History

Activity Participation
Timed tests completed: 2
Battle/mission reviews: 1
Patch reviews: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Generated
Timed tests created: 0
Officer reports: 0
News posts: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Tracking Record
Date Activity
2022-02-01 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 21st Echelon (OV-21E)
2021-07-07 New assignment :
RSV/LCM Mo Kongo/M/FRG Phoenix
2021-07-06 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2021-06-20 Medal awarded : Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon (IS-BR)
2021-06-15 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2021-06-12 Medal awarded : Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon (IS-BR)
2021-03-02 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2021-02-06 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - gold oak cluster (MoC-goc)
2021-02-02 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2021-02-01 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 20th Echelon (OV-20E)
2021-01-31 Flight Certification Wings awarded : 1st Echelon
2021-01-27 Medal awarded : Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon (IS-BR)
2020-12-21 Medal awarded : Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon (IS-BR)
2020-11-30 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2020-11-28 Medal awarded : Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon (IS-BR)
2020-11-21 Medal awarded : Legion of Combat (LoC)
2020-11-15 New promotion : Lieutenant Commander (LCM)
2020-11-15 Medal awarded : Palpatine Crescent (PC)
2020-11-09 Medal awarded : Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon (IS-BR)
2020-10-27 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - silver oak cluster (MoC-soc)
2020-10-25 Medal awarded : Legion of Combat (LoC)
2020-10-25 Medal awarded : Legion of Combat (LoC)
2020-10-21 New gfx added by WARD (Comic book page $2)
2020-10-21 New gfx added by WARD (Comic book page #1)
2020-10-21 New gfx added by WARD (Grey Ghost)
2020-10-21 New gfx added by WARD (Temptress)
2020-10-20 Medals awarded : 2 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2020-10-15 Medals awarded : 2 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2020-10-15 New Combat Rating achieved : Trainee
2020-09-29 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2020-09-16 Medal awarded : Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon (IS-BR)
2020-09-09 Medal awarded : Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
2020-09-03 Medal awarded : Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon (IS-BR)
2020-09-01 New gfx added by WARD (Imperial Officer Graphic 6)
2020-09-01 New gfx added by WARD (Imperial Officer Graphic 5)
2020-09-01 New gfx added by WARD (Imperial Officer Graphic 4)
2020-09-01 New gfx added by WARD (Imperial Officer Graphic 3)
2020-09-01 New gfx added by WARD (Imperial Officer Graphic 2)
2020-09-01 New gfx added by WARD (Imperial Officer Graphic 1)
2020-08-28 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2020-08-08 IWATS Course added to Academic Record by the SOO : [SFW] - 98%
2020-08-08 IWATS Course score updated by the SOO : [TCCORE] - unknown --> 89%
2020-08-05 New assignment :
FM/LT Mo Kongo/Thunder 2-2/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
2020-08-01 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 19st Echelon (OV-19E)
2020-07-07 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2020-07-06 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2020-07-06 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2020-07-03 New assignment :
FM/LT Mo Kongo/Inferno 2-2/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
2020-07-03 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2020-07-03 New assignment :
RSV/LT Mo Kongo/M/FRG Phoenix
2020-07-03 Personal e-mail address updated

Showing all 51 records


Fiction Submissions (0)
No fiction submitted.
Graphics Submissions (10)
Comic book page #2 2020-10-21
No description
Comic book page #1 2020-10-21
No description
Grey Ghost 2020-10-21
No description
Temptress 2020-10-21
No description
Imperial Officer Graphic 6 2020-09-01
No description
Imperial Officer Graphic 5 2020-09-01
No description
Imperial Officer Graphic 4 2020-09-01

Female Naval Officer

Imperial Officer Graphic 3 2020-09-01
No description
Imperial Officer Graphic 2 2020-09-01
No description
Imperial Officer Graphic 1 2020-09-01
No description

Awards Received in Service to the Empire

Highest Award:

Palpatine Crescent

The Palpatine Crescent can be awarded by Wing Commanders and Squadron Commanders to Flight Members and above for exceptional service to the wing or squadron. This could include help with overall management of a squadron or wing or a member who is consistently contributing new ideas for the unit.



Campaign Medals


TC Competitions

Competition Statistics
Competitions approved: 0
Competitions pending: 0
Competition Awards (8)
Competition Award End Date
Thunder Trivia Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon 2021-12-31
Thunder Trivia Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon 2021-12-31
Thunder Trivia Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon 2021-12-31
Thunder Trivia Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon 2021-12-31
Thunder Trivia Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon 2021-12-31
Thunder Trivia Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon 2021-06-30
Thunder Trivia Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon 2021-06-30
Thunder Trivia Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon 2021-03-31
This section only list awards tagged to a specific competition when the award was issued. Review the historical record to view any other non-tagged awards.
Competitions Managed (0)
This member has not managed any competitions.

Academics - Training Completed

Qualifications Awarded
Qualification Date
No qualifications completed
Courses Completed
Course Score Date
AOL Instant Messenger 100% Unknown
ICQ 94% Unknown
mIRC 1 100% Unknown
mIRC 2 90% Unknown
Starfighter Weapons 98% 2020-08-05
TIE Corps Core 89% 2020-08-05

Games Owned

Emperor's Hammer Official Games
Game Player Name
Other Games
Game Player Name