The Chalquilla Cup I

Competition ID #: 3242
Status: Finished
Submitted by: GN Silwar Naiilo
Competition dates: 2021-01-28 - 2021-03-26
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Entire TC
Description: A MP event for the whole TC will take place from January 28 through approximately March 26.

3-person teams with up to 3 subs will sign up by January 14 and take part in 3v3 battles in Star Wars Squadrons. Each team will be made of a single squadron along with Admiralty, reserves, and teamless pilots as wildcards. All teams will fight each other in two 10-minute / 20-kill rounds.

IS-PW through BW will be awarded to the season winners, based on number of wins. Team members will be eligible to win DFCs with a +3 win margin in the season. At the end of the season, an inter-club shootout will be scheduled against other clubs and any TC team which wishes to participate.

IS-CWs will be awarded to all team members who contributed to 80 kills as a team.

Matchup results should be emailed to with the subject line "Chalquilla Cup Match: [team] vs [team]".

League organizers are Taygetta, Genie, and Silwar Naiilo.

See for full rules and details.
Competition awards:


Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-PW CPT Turel For placing 1st in Chalquilla Cup Season 1, LCM Turel has earned an IS-PW as part of team FogHorn LegHorn. 2021-05-11
IS-PW COL Ricaud For placing 1st in Chalquilla Cup Season 1, COL Ricaud has earned an IS-PW as part of team FogHorn LegHorn 2021-05-11
IS-PW AD Stryker For placing 1st in Chalquilla Cup Season 1, COL Stryker has earned an IS-PW as part of team FogHorn LegHorn. 2021-05-11
IS-PW CPT TI-40026 For placing 1st in Chalquilla Cup Season 1, CM TI-40026 has earned an IS-PW as part of team FogHorn LegHorn. 2021-05-11
IS-GW RA Genie For placing 1st in number of individual kills (101) in the Chalquilla Cup season 1, MAJ Genie has earned an IS-GW. 2021-05-07
IS-GW HA Turtle Jerrar For placing 2nd in Chalquilla Cup Season 1, FA Turtle Jerrar has earned an IS-GW as part of team Operating Thetans. 2021-05-07
IS-GW FA Pickled Yoda For placing 2nd in Chalquilla Cup Season 1, FA Pickled Yoda has earned an IS-GW as part of team Operating Thetans. 2021-05-07
IS-GW CM Wodi Untok For placing 2nd in Chalquilla Cup Season 1, LCM Wodi Untok has earned an IS-GW as part of team Operating Thetans. 2021-05-07
IS-GW COL Miles Prower For placing 2nd in Chalquilla Cup Season 1, AD Miles Prower has earned an IS-GW as part of team Operating Thetans. 2021-05-07
IS-SW RA Genie For placing 3rd in Chalquilla Cup Season 1, MAJ Genie has earned an IS-SW as part of team The Flockers. 2021-05-07
IS-SW COL Highlander For placing 3rd in Chalquilla Cup Season 1, CM Highlander has earned an IS-SW as part of team The Flockers. 2021-05-07
IS-SW GN Silwar Naiilo 2nd place in number of individual kills in Chalquilla Cup Season 1 2021-05-07
IS-SW MAJ Xye For placing 3rd in Chalquilla Cup Season 1, CM Xye has earned an IS-SW as part of team The Flockers. 2021-05-07
IS-BW LC Taygetta For 4th place in Chalquilla Cup Season 1, MAJ Taygetta has earned an IS-BW as part of team Club Pew Pew. 2021-05-07
IS-BW LCM BatSpoggy For 4th place in Chalquilla Cup Season 1, LCM Batspoggy has earned an IS-BW as part of team Club Pew Pew. 2021-05-07
IS-BW COL Gytheran For 4th place in Chalquilla Cup Season 1, LCM Gytheran has earned an IS-BW as part of team Club Pew Pew. 2021-05-07
IS-BW MAJ Witcher For 4th place in Chalquilla Cup Season 1, CPT Witcher has earned an IS-BW as part of team Club Pew Pew. 2021-05-07
IS-BW LC Taygetta 3rd place in the number of individual kills in Chalquilla Cup Season 1 2021-05-07
ORA CM EchoVII For achieving over 80 team kills (155) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the Temper Tantrums Team. 2021-04-26
ORA RA Genie MAJ Genie's 'The Flockers' Chalquilla Cup team earned 198 kills, putting them over the 80-kill limit for an ORA. 2021-04-26
ORA MAJ Richlet For achieving over 80 team kills (155) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the Temper Tantrums Team. 2021-04-26
ORA SA Kamjin Maverick Lap'lamiz For achieving over 80 team kills (155) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the Temper Tantrums Team. 2021-04-26
ORA MAJ Morgoth For achieving over 80 team kills (155) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the Temper Tantrums Team. 2021-04-26
ORA MAJ Wreckage For achieving over 80 team kills (155) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the Temper Tantrums Team. 2021-04-26
ORA GN Silwar Naiilo For achieving over 80 team kills (155) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the Temper Tantrums Team. 2021-04-26
ORA RA fr0Zen For achieving over 80 team kills (88) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the Jolly Rho-gers Team. 2021-04-26
ORA LC randyrumrnr For achieving over 80 team kills (88) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the Jolly Rho-gers Team. 2021-04-26
ORA HA Turtle Jerrar For achieving over 80 team kills (202) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the Operating Thetans Team. 2021-04-26
ORA COL Ricaud For achieving over 80 team kills (229) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the FogHorn LegHorn Team. 2021-04-26
ORA CPT Turel For achieving over 80 team kills (229) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the FogHorn LegHorn Team. 2021-04-26
ORA FA Pickled Yoda For achieving over 80 team kills (202) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the Operating Thetans Team. 2021-04-26
ORA CM Wodi Untok For achieving over 80 team kills (202) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the Operating Thetans Team. 2021-04-26
ORA COL Miles Prower For achieving over 80 team kills (202) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the Operating Thetans Team. 2021-04-26
ORA COL Highlander For achieving over 80 team kills (198) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of The Flockers Team. 2021-04-26
ORA MAJ Xye For achieving over 80 team kills (198) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of The Flockers Team. 2021-04-26
ORA CPT Frenchie6 For achieving over 80 team kills (88) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the Jolly Rho-gers Team. 2021-04-26
ORA CM Epicedion For achieving over 80 team kills (88) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the Jolly Rho-gers Team. 2021-04-26
ORA AD Stryker For achieving over 80 team kills (229) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the FogHorn LegHorn Team. 2021-04-26
ORA CPT TI-40026 For achieving over 80 team kills (229) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the FogHorn LegHorn Team. 2021-04-26
ORA COL Gytheran For achieving over 80 team kills (194) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the Club Pew Pew Team. 2021-04-26
ORA LCM BatSpoggy For achieving over 80 team kills (194) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the Club Pew Pew Team. 2021-04-26
ORA COL NiksaVel For achieving over 80 team kills (128) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the ChichenHawk Team. 2021-04-26
ORA LC Taygetta For achieving over 80 team kills (194) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the Club Pew Pew Team. 2021-04-26
ORA MAJ Witcher For achieving over 80 team kills (194) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the Club Pew Pew Team. 2021-04-26
ORA COL Marenta Jean For achieving over 80 team kills (128) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the ChichenHawk Team. 2021-04-26
ORA LC Death For achieving over 80 team kills (128) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the ChichenHawk Team. 2021-04-26
ORA MAJ Jedgar For achieving over 80 team kills (128) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the ChichenHawk Team. 2021-04-26